Morning Routine:
1. Rise and Shine
1. Make bed as soon as I get out of it (unless DH is still there).
2. Go into the bathroom.
3. Shower and clean the bathroom while I am there.
4. Fix my hair and face.
5. Swish the toilet and leave the room never to return till later. It is clean and I can forget about it for now.
2. Kitchen
1. If I did my Night Routine, the kitchen is clean and all I need to do is empty the dish drainer.
2. Make coffee and start breakfast.
3. Feed the family (including myself).
3. Think About My Day
1. Check my calendar.
2. Make my list of what I am going to do today (PODA or To Do List)
3. Thaw something for dinner.
4. Hit the hotspots. If I did my Night Routine there will not be any.
4. Now Think About Myself
1. Take my vitamins and medications.
2. Sit down.
3. Eat breakfast (if I haven't already).
4. Morning Meditation: God, Imagination, Focus, Thanksgiving (GIFT).
5. Now reward myself with some computer time. Check my e-mail and post blogs.
Night Routine:
1. Clean up the house before I go to bed. (20 minutes - tops)
1. Living room: Pick up and put away things, magazines, dishes, clothes, shoes.
2. Kitchen: Clean it up, shine sink, and lay out clean dishcloths.
3. Dining room/entrance: Clear the hot spots.
4. Review my check list to make sure I have not forgotten anything.
2. Think about tomorrow before I go to bed.
1. Check my calendar and/or planner for appointments.
2. Start a PODA (Parade of Daily Adventures) or "To Do" list for tomorrow.
3. Think about: What can I do tonight that will make tomorrow morning easier?
4. Gather up items that I do not want to forget and place them in a spot by the door. Make sure I can see them before I walk out.
5. Make sure children have their things gathered up and put away.
6. Start Breakfast: Set table and plan what I am cooking (just make a mental note).
7. If I plan to use the crock pot, then get some of those things ready so all I have to do is throw it together.
8. Lay out my clothes for tomorrow. It is a simple thing that saves lots of time by being decisive.
3. Focus on myself before going to bed.
Cool down time:
1. Get myself ready for bed.
2. Brush my teeth, clean my face, comb my hair.
3. Take vitamins and other meds.
4. Bath time! Bubbles mmmmmm...
5. Put on jammies, or sexy night gown, or... nothing. LOL!
6. I am now ready for bed. Not saying that I have to go to bed, but I can, because I am ready to get between those sheets.
Reflect on today's accomplishments:
1. Work on my journal, TaDa list (accomplishments), and/or Gratitude Journal.
2. Read for fun.
3. Read to each other.
4. Listen to music. It doesn't matter what kind - just relax, and it has to be something I enjoy, or I won't do it.
5. Prayer and/or Meditation.
6. Snuggle in for the night and lights out. Go to bed at a decent time. Preferably at the same time daily!
7. Fall asleep with a smile on my face and in my heart!
Weekly Plan:
Monday: Weekly Home Blessing (7:00am-8:00am)
1. Get Up and Dress to Shoes
2. Weekly Home Blessing Hour
1. Cull/toss old magazines.
2. Change sheets.
3. Empty all the trash.
4. Vacuum all rooms.
5. Mop kitchen and bath.
6. Clean mirrors and doors.
7. Feather Dust furniture.
1. Water and fertilize plants.
2. Spend 15 minutes in the current zone.
1. Finish the Zone Cleaning Chores.
2. Remainder Weekly Cleaning.
3. Make sure refrigerator is clean.
4. Write thank-you notes.
5. Work on menus and grocery list for next week.
Thursday: Grocery and Errand Day
1. Make sure menus are planned before you go shopping.
2. Check grocery list one last time before you walk out the door. Take your list with you.
3. Grocery Day.
4. Errand Day:
1. Library.
2. Post office.
3. Buy gifts and cards.
4. Buy candles.
1. Be romantic today.
2. Get food from the freezer for next week.
3. File papers.
4. Write letters and cards.
5. Clean out purse.
6. Mend clothes and polish shoes.
Friday: is "Date Night"
Saturday: is "Family Fun Day"
Sunday: is "Renew Your Spirit Day"
Daily Chores:
1. Scrub floor.
2. Wash area rugs.
3. Clean out refrigerator.
1. Polish mirror.
2. Empty trash.
3. Mop floor.
4. Dump vacuum canister.
1. Clean Mirror.
2. Vacuum carpet.
3. Dust.
4. Change sheets.
Living Room:
1. Dust furniture.
2. Vacuum carpet.
3. Clean mirrors.
4. Cull/toss old magazines.
Paperwork and Misc. Duties
1. Plan menu for next week.
2. Write letters and cards.
3. Clean out purse/diaper bag.
4. Polish shoes and mend clothes.
5. Errands:
1. Grocery.
2. Library.
3. Post Office.
Zone 1: The Entrance and Dining Room
Entrance Detailed Cleaning List
Start at the ceiling and work your way down to the floor.
1. Clean cobwebs
2. Dust window sills and front door
3. Clean switch plate of hand prints and walls if needed
4. Dust furniture
5. Dust baseboards
6. Straighten the coat closest
7. Sweep vacuum or mop the floor
8. Add your own personal touches to make it more welcoming.
Dining Room Detailed Cleaning List
Start at the ceiling and work your way down to the floor.
1. Clean the cobwebs
2. Dust window sills
3. Clean the window
4. Clean off top of Dining table and Polish
5. Dust the bottoms of the chairs.
6. Dust the baseboards
7. Move furniture and mop
8. Add your own personal touches to the table (table cloth, pretty bowl, flowers)
Zone 2: The Kitchen
Kitchen Detail Cleaning List
1. Empty refrigerator /clean thoroughly
2. Clean microwave inside and out
3. Clean stove/oven
4. Wash canister/knick-knacks
5. Straighten drawers/cupboards
6. Wipe fingerprints off walls
7. Wash inside windows
8. Scrub down cabinet fronts (only a few at a time)
9. Clean under sink/throw away old rags
Zone 3: The Bathroom, Child’s Room, and Office
Bathroom Detailed Cleaning List
1. Wash area rugs
2. Scrub/wax floor
3. Straighten drawers/ cabinets
4. Clean shower stall/ wax (not the floor!)
5. Wash shower door
6. Clean medicine cabinet
Children's Bedrooms Detailed Cleaning List
1. Polish furniture
2. Straighten drawers
3. Clean cobwebs
4. Wash mattress pad/ dust rug
5. Flip mattresses
6. Wash curtains
7. Clean window
8. Straighten toy shelves
9. Clean under the crib
10. Clean out the closet
11. Put away stray items
12. Sort out-grown clothes
13. Vacuum under crib
14. Dust baseboards
15. Clean fingerprints off door/ walls
16. Rearrange toys/ books
Office Detailed Cleaning List
1. Clear off the surface of your desk
2. Throw away pens that don't work
3. Sharpen pencils
4. Throw out all the trash
5. Put items to keep in a pending file for wed (desk day)
6. Do not stop to pay bills
7. Straighten one drawer at a time
8. Toss out old receipts from
9. Clean off the monitor screen
10. Fill printer caddy with paper
11. Establish a place for current bills
12. Vacuum under desk and the whole room
13. Dust furniture
14. Clean windows
15. Remove cobwebs
16. Check supplies of paper and printer cartridges stamps and envelopes
Zone 4: The Master Bedroom
Master Bedroom Detailed Cleaning List
1. Polish furniture
2. Clean off the desks
3. Clean cobwebs
4. Wash mattress pad/dust ruffle
5. Flip mattress
6. Empty trash
7. Wash windows
8. Straighten drawers
9. Clean under the bed
10. Arrange Shoes
Zone 5: The Living Room
Living Room Detailed Cleaning List
1. Clean cobwebs
2. Clean windows
3. Wash ornaments and what-knots
4. Clean out end table
5. Straighten drawers
6. Wipe fingerprints from walls
7. Polish furniture
8. Clean phone
9. Clean under cushions
10. Move furniture and Sweep